Cannasure Q4 2022 Deal Highlights

Cannasure is proud to reflect on recent successes over the past quarter, putting a spotlight on each operation & line of coverage we offer.

  • $35k Cultivator in Oklahoma

    Celebrating the use of our newer Preferred Risk Program, written on Canopius paper.  Due to Cultivation operations, the Lighting supplemental app was required and Grow Ops used mostly LED lighting.

  • $31k Excess Property placement

    Provided $20M xs $20M on a Cultivation and Processing risk in Arkansas – coverage offered via our Flagship MGA program.

  • $175,000 License & Permit Bond – Utah

    Annual term, minimum premium placement on Crum & Forster paper

  • $78k Workers’ Compensation policy, states of CA & OR

    PEO organizational structure for a Vertically Integrated operation (Cultivation, Processing & Retail)

  • $12k monoline Property placement, state of Michigan

    TIV $3M, coverages from our Flagship MGA included Building, BPP, Business Income, Property in Transist, Sewer Discharge and Equipment Breakdown

  • $145,000 Cannasure MGA

    Placement for a Vertically Integrated multiple state operation.  TIV $35M, GL limits $5M

  • $34k, multi-state Workers’ Compensation policy

    Small Cultivation operations, but other states including Cannabis Business Consulting